definition 包

definition 包包含了 Nirvana 的 API 定义,用于描述 API 的参数与返回值。

// Chain contains all subsequent actions.
type Chain interface {
    // Continue continues to execute the next subsequent actions.
    Continue(context.Context) error

// Middleware describes the form of middlewares. If you want to
// carry on, call Chain.Continue() and pass the context.
type Middleware func(context.Context, Chain) error

// Operator is used to operate an object and return an replacement object.
// For example:
//  A converter:
//    type ConverterForAnObject struct{}
//    func (c *ConverterForAnObject) Kind() {return "converter"}
//    func (c *ConverterForAnObject) In() reflect.Type {return definition.TypeOf(&ObjectV1{})}
//    func (c *ConverterForAnObject) Out() reflect.Type {return definition.TypeOf(&ObjectV2{})}
//    func (c *ConverterForAnObject) Operate(ctx context.Context, object interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
//        objV2, err := convertObjectV1ToObjectV2(object.(*ObjectV1))
//        return objV2, err
//    }
//  A validator:
//    type ValidatorForAnObject struct{}
//    func (c *ValidatorForAnObject) Kind() {return "validator"}
//    func (c *ValidatorForAnObject) In() reflect.Type {return definition.TypeOf(&Object{})}
//    func (c *ValidatorForAnObject) Out() reflect.Type {return definition.TypeOf(&Object{})}
//    func (c *ValidatorForAnObject) Operate(ctx context.Context, object interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
//        if err := validate(object.(*Object)); err != nil {
//            return nil, err
//        }
//        return object, nil
//    }
type Operator interface {
    // Kind indicates operator type.
    Kind() string
    // In returns the type of the only object parameter of operator.
    // The type must be a concrete struct or built-in type. It should
    // not be interface unless it's a file or stream reader.
    In() reflect.Type
    // Out returns the type of the only object result of operator.
    // The type must be a concrete struct or built-in type. It should
    // not be interface unless it's a file or stream reader.
    Out() reflect.Type
    // Operate operates an object and return one.
    Operate(ctx context.Context, field string, object interface{}) (interface{}, error)

// Method is an alternative of HTTP method. It's more clearer than HTTP method.
// A definition method binds a certain HTTP method and a success status code.
type Method string

const (
    // List binds to http.MethodGet and code http.StatusOK(200).
    List Method = "List"
    // Get binds to http.MethodGet and code http.StatusOK(200).
    Get Method = "Get"
    // Create binds to http.MethodPost and code http.StatusCreated(201).
    Create Method = "Create"
    // Update binds to http.MethodPut and code http.StatusOK(200).
    Update Method = "Update"
    // Patch binds to http.MethodPatch and code http.StatusOK(200).
    Patch Method = "Patch"
    // Delete binds to http.MethodDelete and code http.StatusNoContent(204).
    Delete Method = "Delete"
    // AsyncCreate binds to http.MethodPost and code http.StatusAccepted(202).
    AsyncCreate Method = "AsyncCreate"
    // AsyncUpdate binds to http.MethodPut and code http.StatusAccepted(202).
    AsyncUpdate Method = "AsyncUpdate"
    // AsyncPatch binds to http.MethodPatch and code http.StatusAccepted(202).
    AsyncPatch Method = "AsyncPatch"
    // AsyncDelete binds to http.MethodDelete and code http.StatusAccepted(202).
    AsyncDelete Method = "AsyncDelete"

// Source indicates which place a value is from.
type Source string

const (
    // Path means value is from URL path.
    Path Source = "Path"
    // Query means value is from URL query string.
    Query Source = "Query"
    // Header means value is from request header.
    Header Source = "Header"
    // Form means value is from request body and content type must be
    // "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" and "multipart/form-data".
    Form Source = "Form"
    // File means value is from request body and content type must be
    // "multipart/form-data".
    File Source = "File"
    // Body means value is from request body.
    Body Source = "Body"
    // Auto identifies a struct and generate field values by field tag.
    // Tag name is "source". Its value format is "Source,Name".
    // ex.
    // type Example struct {
    //     Start       int    `source:"Query,start"`
    //     ContentType string `source:"Header,Content-Type"`
    // }
    Auto Source = "Auto"
    // Prefab means value is from a prefab generator.
    // A prefab combines data to generate value.
    Prefab Source = "Prefab"

// Destination indicates the target type to place function results.
type Destination string

const (
    // Meta means result will be set into the header of response.
    Meta Destination = "Meta"
    // Data means result will be set into the body of response.
    Data Destination = "Data"
    // Error means the result is an error and should be treated specially.
    // An error occurs indicates that there is no data to return. So the
    // error should be treated as data and be writed back to client.
    Error Destination = "Error"

// Example is just an example.
type Example struct {
    // Description describes the example.
    Description string
    // Instance is a custom data.
    Instance interface{}

// Parameter describes a function parameter.
type Parameter struct {
    // Source is the parameter value generated from.
    Source Source
    // Name is the name to get value from a request.
    // ex. a query name, a header key, etc.
    Name string
    // Default value is used when a request does not provide a value
    // for the parameter.
    Default interface{}
    // Operators can modify and validate the target value.
    // Parameter value is passed to the first operator, then
    // previous operator's result is as next operator's parameter.
    // The result of last operator will be passed to target function.
    Operators []Operator
    // Description describes the parameter.
    Description string

// Result describes how to handle a result from function results.
type Result struct {
    // Destination is the target for the result. Different types make different behavior.
    Destination Destination
    // Operators can modify the result value.
    // Result value is passed to the first operator, then
    // previous operator's result is as next operator's parameter.
    // The result of last operator will be passed to destination handler.
    Operators []Operator
    // Description describes the result.
    Description string

// Definition defines an API handler.
type Definition struct {
    // Method is definition method.
    Method Method
    // Consumes indicates how many content types the handler can consume.
    // It will override parent descriptor's consumes.
    Consumes []string
    // Produces indicates how many content types the handler can produce.
    // It will override parent descriptor's produces.
    Produces []string
    // ErrorProduces is used to generate data for error. If this field is empty,
    // it means that this field equals to Produces.
    // In some cases, succeessful data and error data should be generated in
    // different ways.
    ErrorProduces []string
    // Function is a function handler. It must be func type.
    Function interface{}
    // Parameters describes function parameters.
    Parameters []Parameter
    // Results describes function retrun values.
    Results []Result
    // Summary is a one-line brief description of this definition.
    Summary string
    // Description describes the API handler.
    Description string
    // Examples contains many examples for the API handler.
    Examples []Example

// Descriptor describes a descriptor for API definitions.
type Descriptor struct {
    // Path is the url path. It will inherit parent's path.
    // If parent path is "/api/v1", current is "/some",
    // It means current definitions handles "/api/v1/some".
    Path string
    // Consumes indicates content types that current definitions
    // and child definitions can consume.
    // It will override parent descriptor's consumes.
    Consumes []string
    // Produces indicates content types that current definitions
    // and child definitions can produce.
    // It will override parent descriptor's produces.
    Produces []string
    // Middlewares contains path middlewares.
    Middlewares []Middleware
    // Definitions contains definitions for current path.
    Definitions []Definition
    // Children is used to place sub-descriptors.
    Children []Descriptor
    // Description describes the usage of the path.
    Description string

Descriptor 结构体包含具有如下含义的字段:

  1. API 路径
  2. 可被 Middlewares,Definitions,Children 继承的字段
  3. 其他与 API 路径同等级别的字段

如果希望对 Descriptor 进行扩展,需要遵守上面这些规则。

Definition 结构体包含了一个具体的 API 定义:

  1. API 方法,这个方法是一个抽象方法,用于描述一种行为(比如 Create)。
  2. API 参数和返回值定义
  3. 其他与具体 API 同等级别的字段

如果希望对 Definition 进行扩展,需要遵守上面这些规则。

Parameter 和 Result 分别对应 API 的参数和返回值,与业务函数的参数与返回值一一对应。字段定义与参数和返回值的转换有关。


  1. 在 Descriptor 中提供了 Middleware
  2. 在 Parameter 和 Result 中,提供了 Operator

其中 Middleware 提供了中间件的能力,可以在请求之前让用户对请求进行一些特殊处理。而 Operator 则针对单个的业务参数和返回值,可以对值进行验证和修改。

definition 包除了包含对 API 的定义以外,还提供了一些函数,帮助快速构建 Definitions 和 Operators:

// MIME types
const (
    // acceptTypeAll indicates a accept type from http request.
    // It means client can receive any content.
    // Request content type in header "Content-Type" must not set to "*/*".
    // It only can exist in request header "Accept".
    // In most time, it locate at the last element of "Accept".
    // It's default value if client have not set "Accept" header.
    MIMEAll         = "*/*"
    MIMENone        = ""
    MIMEText        = "text/plain"
    MIMEJSON        = "application/json"
    MIMEXML         = "application/xml"
    MIMEOctetStream = "application/octet-stream"
    MIMEURLEncoded  = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
    MIMEFormData    = "multipart/form-data"

// OperatorFunc creates operator by function.
// function must has signature:
//  func f(context.Context, string, AnyType) (AnyType, error)
// The second parameter is a string that is used to identify field.
// AnyType can be any type in go. But struct type and
// built-in data type is recommended.
func OperatorFunc(kind string, f interface{}) Operator

results matching ""

    No results matching ""