service 包

service 包实现了 Nirvana 的 API 处理框架:

         ↓                    ↑
|-----Filters------|          ↑
         ↓                    ↑
|---Router Match---|          ↑
         ↓                    ↑
         ↓                    ↑
         ↓                    ↑
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|------------User Function-----------|

service 包的入口是 Builder:

// Builder builds service.
type Builder interface {
    // Logger returns logger of builder.
    Logger() log.Logger
    // SetLogger sets logger to server.
    SetLogger(logger log.Logger)
    // Modifier returns modifier of builder.
    Modifier() DefinitionModifier
    // SetModifier sets definition modifier.
    SetModifier(m DefinitionModifier)
    // Filters returns all request filters.
    Filters() []Filter
    // AddFilters add filters to filter requests.
    AddFilter(filters ...Filter)
    // AddDescriptors adds descriptors to router.
    AddDescriptor(descriptors ...definition.Descriptor) error
    // Middlewares returns all router middlewares.
    Middlewares() map[string][]definition.Middleware
    // Definitions returns all definitions. If a modifier exists, it will be executed.
    Definitions() map[string][]definition.Definition
    // Build builds a service to handle request.
    Build() (Service, error)

type Service interface {

// DefinitionModifier is used in Server. It's used to modify definition.
// If you want to add some common data into all definitions, you can write
// a customized modifier for it.
type DefinitionModifier func(d *definition.Definition)

// Filter can filter request. It has the highest priority in a request
// lifecycle. It runs before router matching.
// If a filter return false, that means the request should be filtered.
// If a filter want to filter a request, it should handle the request
// by itself.
type Filter func(resp http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) bool

Builder 构建 Service 来提供 HTTP 服务。因此 Builder 提供了多个方法用于设置生成服务需要的日志,Definition 修改器,请求过滤器,API 描述符。构建完成的 Service 实际上是一个 http.Handler,用来处理请求。

其中 Definition 修改器用于在生成路由之前修改 API Definition。请求过滤器则是在 Service 执行的时候才会被调用,请求过滤器的优先级高于路由匹配。也就是说,在路由匹配之前,请求就有可能被过滤器直接过滤掉。

Builder 还会将 API Definition 转换为路由需要的数据结构,涉及到以下内容:

  1. 对应 Consumes 和 Produces 的 Consumer 和 Producer
    Consumer 针对请求的 body,将数据转换为业务函数需要的数据类型(通常是结构体)。
    Producer 则是将业务函数的返回值转换并写入到响应的 body 中。

    // Consumer handles specifically typed data from a reader and unmarshals it into an object.
    type Consumer interface {
       // ContentType returns a HTTP MIME type.
       ContentType() string
       // Consume unmarshals data from r into v.
       Consume(r io.Reader, v interface{}) error
    // Producer marshals an object to specifically typed data and write it into a writer.
    type Producer interface {
       // ContentType returns a HTTP MIME type.
       ContentType() string
       // Produce marshals v to data and write to w.
       Produce(w io.Writer, v interface{}) error
  2. 对应 Prefab 类型的 Prefab 生成器
    service 包里提供了一个 Context Prefab 生成器,简单的将参数里的 context 返回出去,供业务函数使用。
    // Prefab creates instances for internal type. These instances are not
    // unmarshaled form http request data.
    type Prefab interface {
       // Name returns prefab name.
       Name() string
       // Type is instance type.
       Type() reflect.Type
       // Make makes an instance.
       Make(ctx context.Context) (interface{}, error)
  3. 对应 golang 基础类型的转换器
    这些转换器一般是用于将请求里的 query,header 等简单字符串数据转换为 golang 的基础类型,供业务函数使用。
    // Converter is used to convert []string to specific type. Data must have one
    // element at least or it will panic.
    type Converter func(ctx context.Context, data []string) (interface{}, error)
  4. 用于封装请求的 ValueContainer
    这个接口是对 Request 的一次封装,方便获取对应位置的字符串数据。
    // ValueContainer contains values from a request.
    type ValueContainer interface {
       // Path returns path value by key.
       Path(key string) (string, bool)
       // Query returns value from query string.
       Query(key string) ([]string, bool)
       // Header returns value by header key.
       Header(key string) ([]string, bool)
       // Form returns value from request. It is valid when
       // http "Content-Type" is "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
       // or "multipart/form-data".
       Form(key string) ([]string, bool)
       // File returns a file reader when "Content-Type" is "multipart/form-data".
       File(key string) (multipart.File, bool)
       // Body returns a reader to read data from request body.
       // The reader only can read once.
       Body() (reader io.ReadCloser, contentType string, ok bool)
  5. 用于封装响应的 ResponseWriter
    ResponseWriter 是对 http.ResponseWriter 的一个扩展,提供了一些功能方便中间件使用。
    // ResponseWriter extends http.ResponseWriter.
    type ResponseWriter interface {
       // HeaderWritable can check whether WriteHeader() has
       // been called. If the method returns false, you should
       // not recall WriteHeader().
       HeaderWritable() bool
       // StatusCode returns status code.
       StatusCode() int
       // ContentLength returns the length of written content.
       ContentLength() int
  6. 用于合并请求和响应的 Context
    HTTPContext 实现了 Context 接口,包装了请求的信息。作为路由上下文使用。
    // HTTPContext describes an http context.
    type HTTPContext interface {
       Request() *http.Request
       ResponseWriter() ResponseWriter
       ValueContainer() ValueContainer
       RoutePath() string
  7. 用于生成业务函数的参数的 ParameterGenerator
    ParameterGenerator 是真正的参数生成器,通过调用 Consumer,Converter,Prefab 等来完成业务函数的参数生成。
    // ParameterGenerator is used to generate object for a parameter.
    type ParameterGenerator interface {
       // Source returns the source generated by current generator.
       Source() definition.Source
       // Validate validates whether defaultValue and target type is valid.
       Validate(name string, defaultValue interface{}, target reflect.Type) error
       // Generate generates an object by data from value container.
       Generate(ctx context.Context, vc ValueContainer, consumers []Consumer, name string, target reflect.Type) (interface{}, error)
  8. 用于将业务函数返回值写入 Response 的 DestinationHandler
    DestinationHandler 是业务函数返回值处理器,通过调用 Producer 将返回值转换为字节写入响应中。
    在 DestinationHandler 中,错误是会进行特殊处理的。如果业务函数返回的错误符合 Error 接口,则会根据这个接口来生成错误码和返回数据结构。

    // Error is a common interface for error.
    // If an error implements the interface, type handlers can
    // use Code() to get a specified HTTP status code.
    type Error interface {
       // Code is a HTTP status code.
       Code() int
       // Message is an object which contains information of the error.
       Message() interface{}
    const (
       // HighPriority for error type.
       // If an error occurs, ignore meta and data.
       HighPriority int = 100
       // MediumPriority for meta type.
       MediumPriority int = 200
       // LowPriority for data type.
       LowPriority int = 300
    // DestinationHandler is used to handle the results from API handlers.
    type DestinationHandler interface {
       // Type returns definition.Type which the type handler can handle.
       Destination() definition.Destination
       // Priority returns priority of the type handler. Type handler with higher priority will prior execute.
       Priority() int
       // Validate validates whether the type handler can handle the target type.
       Validate(target reflect.Type) error
       // Handle handles a value. If the handler has something wrong, it should return an error.
       // The handler descides how to deal with value by producers and status code.
       // The status code is a success status code. If everything is ok, the handler should use the status code.
       // There are three cases for return values (goon means go on or continue):
       // 1. go on is true, err is nil.
       //    It means that current type handler did nothing (or looks like did nothing) and next type handler
       //    should take the context.
       // 2. go on is false, err is nil.
       //    It means that current type handler has finished the context and next type handler should not run.
       // 3. err is not nil
       //    It means that current type handler handled the context but something wrong. All subsequent type
       //    handlers should not run.
       Handle(ctx context.Context, producers []Producer, code int, value interface{}) (goon bool, err error)


results matching ""

    No results matching ""